Sunday, January 15, 2012

Journal & Website for instructional designers

Here is a journal for instructional designers that has alot of good articles and references.

This article ( ) discusses some strategies for developing on-line learning courses by utilizing different learning methods for brain-based learning.  One section discusses memory and retrieval which focuses on short-term and long-term memory. Implications for on-line courses could be utilizing ‘rehearsal’ for short-term memory or ‘chunking’ for long-term memory. This relates to the two-store model that is discussed by Ormrod, Schenk, & Gredler (2009). It also states there needs to be variation in the teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles, and to increase attentiveness. This journal would be a good resource for instructional designers.

Clemons, S. (2005). Brain-Based Learning: Possible Implications for Online Instruction. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning, 2(9). Retrieved from

Ormrod, J., Schunk, D., & Gredler, M. (2009). Learning theories and instruction (Laureate custom edition). New York: Pearson.
Since this is an education website, there are alot of articles and resources available for the instructional designer or educator.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Education New Horizons for Learning website has some interesting articles and links for education technology and neurosciences, as well as teaching and learning strategies. Marian Cleeves Diamond has an article called Response of the brain to enrichment which talks of how stress, age, gender, and physical activity can affect the brain and its ability to learn. There are numerous other resources available from this site that could be valuable for instructional designers.

Diamond, M. C. (2001). Response of the brain to enrichment. Retrieved from

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